Monday, December 7, 2009

Radio Evaluation

For this unit, I was assigned the task of teaming up with some of my fellow peers and creating two pieces of audio that would be suitable for broadcasting on the radio. The first piece of audio that myself and my team recorded was a vox pop (Voice of the Public: getting the public's opinions on a particular issue) on Remembrance Day, and the second was to unearth two local news stories each and record them in the radio studio. As well as myself, my group consisted of Sam, Dan and Jamie.

What I Did
As I mentioned above, the first piece of audio that we were required to record was the vox pop about Remembrance Day. This meant going out onto the streets of Farnham to understand the thoughts of the general public. But before my team and me could begin our vox pop, we had to think of a question that would set a spark off in people and get them talking passionately about the subject.

I would say that I contributed heavily in finding "the question" that we were going to ask the public. I felt that, as we are young people ourselves, we should ask the older generation if they thought that the younger generation today still had the same respect for Remembrance Day as youngsters in yesteryear did. Obviously, we had to play around with the wording of the question, but we all agreed that this would be a successful approach to take.

When out on the street, we each had to ask one person the question using the recording equipment provided. When it finally came to me recording my vox pop everything went according to plan. The recording equipment picked up everything my interviewee said perfectly and I also received a really good answer to my question.

When it came to editing the vox pop sound bite, we decided that we would edit it collectively as a group. This way, everyone had their say on what should be changed and I think that we came away with a very good piece of audio as everybody bought different ideas to the table.

For our second piece of audio, I picked two stories that I felt were different, but would still gage the interest of the public. The two stories that I picked were about the arrest of a man from Maidstone who had committed four serious crimes in Surrey and Kingstonian football club being knocked out of the FA Trophy. I believe these two stories fitted in well with the context of our radio broadcast, and because all of us had prepared our stories in advance everything ran smoothly.

What Could The Group Have Done Better
I can honestly say that I do not think there was anything major that either myself or the rest of my team could have done any better than we did. The only thing I think that I could improve on next time would be to do some more editing. I did contribute some key ideas with regards to the final edit of our pieces of audio, but I do feel that I could have mucked in a little bit more.

But all in all, I do feel that my contribution to the team was a key factor as to why our pieces of audio were successful. I also feel that myself and the rest of my team worked extremely well together and that everything we did was very productive.

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